Restless Shore

Restless Shore is a new piece from my ‘Atlantic Blue’ series.
Many of us feel a special affinity and pull towards the ocean, perhaps there is something in the fact that the human body contains a concentration of salt equivalent to seawater. More likely it’s the dangerously beautiful power of Mother Nature which captivates us, taking us, with her endless steady heartbeat to a place far beyond the monotony of life.
“Listen! You hear the grating roar of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling, at their return, up the high strand, begin, and cease and then again begin. With tremendous cadence slow, and bring the eternal note of sadness” Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold
A great majority of inspiration for my paintings comes from walking, watching and feeling the coast around me. I do not use photographs or work pleinair, for me I simply remember and try to recreate that moment in colour, texture and use of light. It is almost a Spiritual process, when you stop and stand very still amid a vast landscape it’s almost as though she can hear your very soul.